Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ISIS Threatens To Destroy U.S Power Grid

The US power grid is extremely vulnerable to failure from storms, heat waves, and now terror attacks.  Christopher Mark Heben, a former Navy Seal, tells Fox News Insider, “The power grid is amazingly easy to dismantle…As an unconventional warfare specialist, I was trained to dismantle and take down power grids in other countries. Believe me, it doesn’t take a doctorate from MIT to figure it out.”
Now, ISIS has threatened to destroy the US power grid. Here is an excerpt from that explains the situation:
“ISIS is threatening to destroy the power grid, which would likely cause a tens of millions of deaths. The power grid failure itself would not kill Americans, but what will likely happen in the days that follow. Politicians in Washington, D.C. have long been warned about the vulnerabilities of the country’s most fragile piece of infrastructure – bills designed to address the matter still languish in committee.
Former government officials are fearful that ISIS militants are “poised” to attack the power grid, according to News Oklahoma. If the power grid fails, tractor-trailers would no longer be able to haul food or medicine around the nation, hospital generators would run dry, police, fire departments, and EMS squads would be left with non-functioning vehicle. Fires would rage unchecked as overwhelmed firefighters struggle to keep up with the need, police officers would become overly-taxed as well when civil unrest begins. The Ferguson riots would likely see calm compared what could occur when grocery stores run out of food and credit cards and ATM machines are deemed useless.
Dr. Peter Pry, one of the foremost experts on the power grid in the United States, had this to say about ISIS power grid threats during a Wednesday press conference with other learned electrical system researchers:

“Inadequate grid security, a porous U.S.- Mexico border, and a fragile transmission system make the electric grid a target for ISIS.”
Pry went on to state that ISIS fighters would not even need to venture into the United States to take down the power grid. He believes the Islamic State militants could hire Mexican gangs, such as the Knights Templar, to do the job for them. The same gang has reportedly taken out the power network in 11 Mexican cities using nothing more than conventional weapons.
This is why having a solar power generator makes sense. If the grid goes down from a terror attack people will be flocking like mad to gas stations and it would be extremely difficult or even impossible to get fuel for a gas generator.
Solar power is the best way to go when preparing for any kind of disaster. They do not require gas and don’t emit harmful fumes and they are extremely quiet.

Solar Generators

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